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Historical Archives of Snoídepaedia

Time flies. (? - 23/06/2021)


Once upon a time, @snoidetx’s personal website was hosted on using the tool Blogger. It was a good tool for you to build your website quickly if you are new to information technology. (24/06/2021 - 20/06/2022)

View had served as the personal website of @snoidetx for one year, before its depreciation on 21/06/2022. However, in memory of its contribution, you can still view an archived version of the former by clicking the View button.

The structures of the old are largely inherited by the current Snoídepaedia. Now, becomes a shortcut to the Home page of Snoídepaedia.

Snoídepaedia (21/06/2022 - Present)

The Resource Page

The former good-looking page was depreciated because it could not be adapted to fit in mobile view.

The Additional Information Section

A lovely section in the past that was removed because it was deemed unnecessary. Fun fact: it was once a collapsible table.

Copyright ©snoidetx. All contents and information are updated as on 5/11/2024.