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Produced by @snoidetx.

Over the years, @snoidetx has been making learning materials for the courses he took and taught, including helpsheets, notes, mindmaps, etc., to help both others and himself. He has collated all the resource and put them here. Enjoy!

Note: Some of the resources are generated from LaTeX and not available for printing. Please convert them to printable format (e.g. screenshot) for printing purpose.

Course Forecast

- MA3252 Linear and Network Optimisation
- MA4264 Game Theory
- MA4270 Data Modelling and Computation


Module Name Resources View
N/A Integration and Differential Equation • Formula List
MA1101R Linear Algebra I • Notes
MA1102R Calculus • Notes
    • SageMath Commands
MA2101 Linear Algebra II • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
MA2104 Multivariable Calculus • Notes
MA2108 Mathematical Analysis I • Notes
MA2213 Numerical Analysis I • Final Examination Helpsheet
MA2214 Combinatorics and Graphs I • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
MA3205 Set Theory • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination 1 Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination 1 Notes
    • Midterm Examination 2 Helpsheet
MA3220 Ordinary Differential Equations • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
MA3236 Non-Linear Programming • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
    • Final Examination Helpsheet
MA3252 Linear Programming • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
    • Final Examination Helpsheet
MA3264 Mathematical Modelling • Quiz 1 Helpsheet
    • Quiz 2 Helpsheet
    • Final Examination Helpsheet
MA4207 Mathematical Logic • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
    • Final Examination Helpsheet
MA4229 Fourier Analysis and Approximation • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
    • Final Examination Helpsheet
MA4264 Game Theory • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
    • Final Examination Helpsheet
MA4270 Data Modelling and Computation • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
    • Final Examination Helpsheet
ST2131 Probability • Notes
ST3131 Regression Analysis • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination Helpsheet

Computer Science

Module Name Resources View
CS1010/S Programming Methodology • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
    • Order of Growth Notes
CS1231/S Discrete Structures • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
CS2030/S Programming Methodology II • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Practical Assessment 2 Helpsheet
CS2040/S Data Structures and Algorithms • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Notes
CS2100 Computer Organisation • Final Examination Helpsheet
CS2103 Software Engineering • Final Examination Helpsheet
CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
CS3230 Design and Analysis of Algorithms • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
CS3236 Introduction to Information Theory • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
    • Final Examination Helpsheet
CS3243 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
CS3244 Machine Learning • Final Examination Helpsheet
    • Midterm Examination Helpsheet
CS5340 Uncertainty Modelling in AI • Quiz 1 Notes
    • Quiz 2 Notes


Module Name Resources View
GEQ1917 Understanding and Critiquing Sustainability • Notes
LAJ.J401 Basic Japanese 1 • Notes
LAJ.J412 Basic Japanese 2 • Notes
PC1101 Frontiers of Physics • Notes

Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level Examination

Here are some Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level resources collated by @snoidetx. Enjoy!

Subject Name Resources View
8807 H1 General Paper • Essay Resources Package
    • Essay Skills Package
9757 H2 Economics • Macroeconomics Notes
    • Microeconomics Notes
9649 H2 Further Mathematics • Notes
9758 H2 Mathematics • Notes
9749 H2 Physics • Notes
    • Practical Examination Notes
    • Revision Notes Package


All resources displayed in this page are produced by @snoidetx. Please credit for reuse.

Copyright ©snoidetx. All contents and information are updated as on 24/06/2024.