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Scientific research has been one of the favourite activities of @snoidetx. When he was very young, he tried to research and write papers about the optimal angle when shooting basketballs. Afterwards, @snoidetx has been actively seeking for research opportunities. He took H3 Science Research in National Junior College (NJC), where he got a chance to research in Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) for 1 year. In National University of Singapore (NUS), @snoidetx proactively chose modules with research aspect to enrich his research experience. He enrolled in the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Programme (UROP?) under the supervision of Prof. Bryan Low Kian Hsiang? and the paper has been accepted into the AAAI-24? conference.

Currently, @snoidetx is preparing for his Integrated Honours Project (IHT) thesis.

Research Interests

  • Data-centric machine learning (e.g., data valuation, active learning, machine unlearning)
  • Multi-agent machine learning (e.g., collaborative/federated learning, incentive mechanism)
  • Privacy-preserving machine learning (e.g., differentially private machine learning)


Deletion-Anticipative Data Selection With a Limited Budget

R.H.L. Sim, J. Fan, X. Tian & B.K.H. Low · 2024 · The 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-24)

DeRDaVa: Deletion-Robust Data Valuation for Machine Learning

X. Tian, R.H.L. Sim, J. Fan & B.K.H. Low · 2024 · The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-24)

Identifying the Geometry of an Object Using Lock-In Thermography

X. Tian, M. Yin & H. Goh · 2019 · arXiv

Course Projects

Differentially Private Machine Learning

J. Fan & X. Tian · 2024 · MA4270 Data Modelling and Computation

[Paper Review] PointGuard: Provably Robust 3D Point Cloud Classification

X. Tian · 2024 · ART.T466 3D Computer Vision

[Paper Review] Scalable and Efficient Training of Large Convolutional Neural Networks with Differential Privacy

X. Tian · 2024 · SCE.I435 Visual and Knowledge Information Processing

Inverse Analysis of Heat Transfer in Blast Furnaces

X. Tian · 2023 · SCE.A405 Inverse Problems and Data Assimilation

Face Mask Detection for Disease X: A Probabilistic Approach

J. Fan, G. Gao, Y. Mo & X. Tian · 2023 · CS5340 Uncertainty Modelling in AI

Reed-Solomon Codes: Mechanism, Improvement and Application

J. Fan & X. Tian · 2023 · CS3236 Introduction to Information Theory

Data Valuation for Machine Learning

X. Tian · 2022 · CS2309 CS Research Methodology

[Paper Review] Data Shapley: Equitable Valuation of Data for Machine Learning

X. Tian · 2022 · CS2309 CS Research Methodology

Predicting Scores and Controversialities of Reddit Posts Using Machine Learning

J. Fan, J. Han, B. Li, X. Tian & Z. Xin · 2022 · CS3244 Machine Learning

Somatropin and Growth Hormone Deficiency

J. Fan & X. Tian · 2021 · FMS1218B How Come Aspirin Can Relieve My Headache?

Thermography - A Big Data Problem (Experiments)

X. Tian & H.K.H. Goh · 2019 · NJC H3 Research

Copyright ©snoidetx. All contents and information are updated as on 24/06/2024.